; 西北师范大学-英语国家概况精品课程
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Part Two The Republic of Ireland
Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of its rich green countryside.two political units:Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.爱尔兰因其葱翠欲滴的乡村景色,又称绿宝石岛。两个行政区:北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国。
1) Ireland’s geographical features:
①a basin:the central plain, a limestone plateau surrounded by coastal highlands. 1.盆地,中央大平原,石灰石高原被沿海山岳环绕,
②the highest peak is Carrantuohill(卡朗图山),1041m. 2.最高峰为卡朗图上,海拔1041米,
③the largest river: the Shannon River (香农河) 。3.最大河流:香农河,
④ coast with striking cliffs and heavily indented. 4.海岸悬崖突出,犬牙交错。
⑤Bogs(沼泽) are the most significant feature of Irish landscape. 5.沼泽是最为爱尔兰地理主要的特征
2) Climate in Ireland:
①mild, moist and changeable.Extreme cold, long frosts, heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon. 1.温和,潮湿和多变,冬季严寒大雪,漫长霜期,夏季罕见酷暑
②excessive rainfalls. 2.雨水过多
③six climate regions. 6种气候区
3) Ethnic composition of Ireland:
the basic ethnic stock is Celts with and admixture of Norse, French, Norman and English.种族分类:最主要的是凯尔特人,混有挪威人,法国人,诺曼人和英国人
4) Languages in Ireland:two offical languages—Irish(Gaelic盖尔语) and English.
5) Irish Catholicism:predominates in Ireland and Catholic religious practice is extremely high in Ireland. Ireland has supplied significant number of priests and missionaries to the outside world.天主教在爱尔兰占主导地位,爱尔兰也为其他国家提供大批重要牧师和传教士。
6)Conflict between the English and the Irish: a traditional source of conflict was religious differences(Protestant vs Catholic);冲突原因是宗教不同,新教和天主教
7)the issue of Northern Ireland: As a result of the conflict ,in 1921, the British signed the Anglo—Irish Treaty ,establishing an Irish Free State with dominion status, with a separate government in the Protestant-dominated North Ireland.北爱尔兰的成立:1921年战争的结果,英国签署了‘英爱条约’,建立爱尔兰自由帮,享有自治领的地位,并在新教控制的北爱尔兰成立独立政府。
8foreign policy
Since independence Ireland has adhered to a policy of neutrality and nonalignment.It has contributed personnel to U.N.peacekeeping units in the Middle East,New Guinea,Zaire and Cyprus. joined the EC in 1973.自独立以来一直奉行中立、不结盟政策,为联合国在中东,新几内亚,扎伊尔和塞浦路斯的维和机构输送人员。1973年加入欧盟。
PART Three The United States of American
Chapter 14 Population, race and ethnic groups 人口和种族
1)introduction 概要
①the third most populous country in the world,with 255.5 million people.
②a nation of immigrants.Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth.There are many racial and ethnic groups. Between 80% and 90% of immigration ot the United States now is from Asian and Hispanic counties.The first immigrants in American history came from England and Netherlands. Population movements are common in America.移民是人口增长的一个主要原因。到目前80%-90%的移民来自亚洲和西班牙语国家。美国历史上最早的移民来自于英格兰和荷兰。人口迁徙在美国很普遍。
2)Black people and the Civil Rights Movement
①blacks and slavery
the largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S., which 12.1 per cent of the population; the first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619. 美国最大的少数人种是黑人,占人口的12。1%;1619年最早的人人作为奴隶被运至美国。
②The slave system was formally ended by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Consititution in 1865.the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s demanded desegregation and equal right.1863年林肯总统的《解放宣言》和1865年的《宪法第13修正案》使奴隶制度正式瓦解。废除种族隔离和人权平等导致了1960年的民权运动。
Chapter 15 American History
1) The “discovery” of the New World 发现新大陆
①The “first Americans” were the Indians 最早的美国人是印第安人
②In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, supported by the Spanish queen, he led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now west Indies.He thought he had reached Asia and didn’t know he had disvovered a New Continent.15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的一些小岛。他误以为到达了亚洲,并不知道自己已经发现了一个新大陆。
③Ameriga Vespucci proved that the land was a new continent.Therefore, the land was named America after him.阿美利歌。韦斯普奇证明了这是新大陆,因此,以他的名字命名。
2)Causes of the colonization of the New World
Opportunity was a magic word.①The new Would drew English nobles (who dreamed of getting more land and establishing great new estates.). ②Drew other people who could not find jobs in England. ③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. ④Many settlers came to the English colonies in search of religious freedom because they had been persecuted in England.机遇是一个神气的词。1)他吸引了英国的贵族(那些梦想在荒原上创建庞大的新地产的)2)吸引那些在英国无法找到工作的人。3)尤其是吸引了欧洲农场和乡村的穷人和无家可归的人。4)许多人为寻求宗教自由而在这英国殖民地定居下来,因为他们在英国受到早叫迫害。
3)The first English colony in the Americas was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Between1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.They were Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georlina. 美洲的第一块英国殖民地于1607年在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯建立。从1607年到1733年间,英国在北美的东海岸建立了13个殖民地。它们是弗吉尼亚、缅因、新罕布什尔、马塞、康涅狄格、纽约、罗得岛、马里兰、北卡罗来纳,南卡罗来纳、新泽西、宾夕法尼亚和佐治亚。
In 1620,201 of Pilgrims sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony.The Puritans(清教徒),unlike the Pilgrims(清教徒前辈)who were artisans and peasants,were wealthy,well-educated gentlemen.The Puritans did not allow religious dissent.The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World.There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.They were:representative from of government,rule of law,respect of individual rights,religious tolerance and a strong of individual enterprise.1620年,清教徒前辈中的201人乘坐“5月花号”船来到新大陆,在普利茅斯建立了殖民地。清教徒和身为手艺人或农夫的清教徒前辈不同,他们富有,是受过良好教育的绅士。清教徒不允许异教存在。殖民者在新大陆建立了一种新的生活方式。以下几点为美国特色的形成起到一定作用:政府的代表形式,法制,对人权的尊重,宗教的宽容和强大个人进取精神。
3)The American War of Independence and its consequences.美国独立战争极其影响
①the causes:With the development of economy,the people in the colonies wanted more power to determine their own business.But the policy of the British government was to bring the development under control and collect more taxes from the colonies.原因:随着经济的发展,殖民地人民要求更多的自决权。而英国政府的政策是要把经济发展控于股掌,并向殖民地征收更多的税
②the Boston Tea Party(波士顿茶叶事件): In 1773, several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships of the British East India Company and threw the tea into the harbor. 1773年,几十名波士顿居民化装成印第安人,登上英国东印度公司的船,将茶叶倾入海中。
③the First continental Congress: In September 1774, the First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia which encouraged Americans to refuse to bry British goods. 第一届大陆会议:1774年9月,在费城召开,鼓励美国人抵制英货。
④Lexington and Concord(列克星顿和康克特):The War of Independence began at there in 1775.
⑤The Second Continental Congress(three weeks after the battle at Lexington in 1775 ):founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of Washington; appointed a committee to draft a formal declaration(Thomas Jefferson was the man who draft it), the Declaration of Independence, And adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.第二次大陆会议(1775年的列克星顿战役三周之后):建立了大陆军和海军,任命华盛顿为总司令;指定了一个委员会负责起草一份正式宣言(托马斯。杰斐逊起草),1776.6.4,通过了独立宣言。
⑥The Declaration is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke.宣言清晰地解释了指导这场革命的政治理论,这一理论源于英国哲学家约翰。洛克。
⑦The consequences: IN September ,1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed. Britain recognized the independence of the United States; the war was from 1775 to 1781, it shows that, in a just war ,a weak nation can defeat a strong one. American people gained independence and capitalism developed in America. It also had great international influence.意义:1783年9月,《巴黎条约》签署,英国承认美国独立;战争从1775-1781,表明,在一场正义的战争中,弱者可以战胜强者。美国人民获得了独立,资本主义得到发展。同时具有深远的国际影响。
4)Establishment of a federal form of govermen: 联邦政府的建立
①The Articles of Confederation was unusual in many ways.1)it provided for no king;2)while the Articles created a central government in the form of a Congress,the emphasis was still on state powers.3)the Articles of Confederation was a written constitution for the U.S..But there were serious weaknesses,it was difficult to carry on the business of the government without someone to do the executive’s job.Congress was too large a body to function as government.And Congress had no power to raise taxes.A conference was held in Philadelphia in May 1787 to consider what should be done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. 十三洲联邦宪法的不同之处在于:1)没有采用君主立宪制;2)确立了国会形式的中央政府,但仍以洲治为主;3)是美国的明文宪法。但也存在严重缺陷:无人主持行政工作,政府事务很难执行。国会体制庞大,无法起到政府职能,国会无权提高税收。1787年5月于费城召开了一次大会,讨论如何改进十三洲联邦宪法。
②The Great Compromise(on July 16,1787): gave each state an equal vote in the Senate but making representation in the House reflect the size of each state’s population.1787.7.16出台的大折中:赋予各州在参议院中同样的选举权,而众议院中的代表人数则根据各州的人口决定。
③The Bill of Rights (1791),became the first ten amendments to the constitution of the American constitutional—the Bill of Rights.By then,it is agreed, the foundation of the American constitutional system was completed.1791年通过的,成为对《宪法》最早的十项修正案—人权法案。一般认为至此美国宪法体制的建立全部完成。
④the first Congress: met in New York In 1789.
the first President:Washington
5)Consequences of territorial expansion and the westward Movement 领土扩张和西进运动
①forced England to give up the Old Northwest;迫使英格兰放弃旧西北地区
②Purchased the Louisiana from Nepoleon.(1790’s) 向拿破伦购买路易斯安那州
③forced Spain to cede Florida and the Gulf coast.迫使西班牙放弃弗罗里达和墨西哥海岸。
④Texas added to the Union(1845).1845,德克萨斯加入联邦
⑤Obtained California and New Mexico From Mexico by the war with Mexico (1846-1848)从墨西哥战争1846-4848,得到加利福尼亚和新墨西哥。
⑥The Gadsden Purchase(1853)
another 30,000 square miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.,in return,the U.S.paid 10 million dollars.1853年的‘加滋登购地’中,又有3万平方英里的墨西哥变成了美国领土,美国付了1千万美圆的补偿。
6)The American Civil War and its impaction on the development of the U.S
①The conflict beween the North and the South: In the early 1800’s, black slavery disappeared in the north because of industry development. But it continued to exist in the South. In the South, farming remaind the most important way of making a living and the planter farmed a large area of land. Slave labours seemed best suited for producing these crops.19世纪早期,由于工业的发展,黑奴在北方消失。但在南方仍然存在。在南方,农耕是最主要的谋生手段,农场主耕种了大片土地。奴隶劳动力似乎最适于这些农作物的生产。
②The Compromise of 1850: the North and the South allowed California to be accepted as a free state while ordering the returning of runaway slaves to the masters.1850年通过了一个折中的方案:同意加利福尼亚为自治州,将逃跑的努力归还主人。
③Abraham Lincoln (亚伯拉罕. 林肯):Soon after Lincoln Became the U.S. President, the War broke out on April 12, 1861.He realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery. So he issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.Thus England and France stood by the Union’s side.Many black slaves joined the Union Army. 亚伯拉罕. 林肯:当林肯成为美国总统后,1861.4.12爆发战争,他意识到可以把战争变为反奴隶的正义战争,从而获得国内外对联邦的支持。所以他颁布了著名的《解放宣言》。这样英法各国站到了联邦一边,许多黑奴加入了联邦军。
Lincoln’s speech:“That government of the people,by the people, for the people,shall not perish from the earth.”民有,民治,民享的政府是不会从地球上消亡的。The Thirteenth Amendment,which banned slavery,was added to the Constitution in December,1865.废除奴隶制的第十三修正案于1865年12月写入宪法。
7) Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War 内战后资本主义的迅速发展
After the war, the U.S. saw great developments in Industry, agriculture, science and technology, and population.
①reasons: a stable political environment after the war was over; enough labour supply after black slaves were free; new immigrants; Science and invention played a very important role in accelerating America’s industrial development; the federal goverment put high taxes on foreign imports; the Rich natural resources.原因:战后稳定的政治环境;黑奴自由,新移民都提供了足够的劳动力;科学和发明在美国的工业发展中起到重要作用;联邦政府对进口商品课以高税,丰富的自然资源。
②consequences: Both production and capital became increasingly concentrated.生产和资本越来越集中。
Chapter 16 American History (1900-1945)
1) Economic growth in the early 20th century
①tremendous growth of the American economy(between the end of the civil war and 1900): Steam and electricity replaced human muscle,steel took the place of iron.Machines and oil were used.People and goods could move by railroads.in 1900 it became the largest producer of coal and steel in the world.内战结束到1900年间,美国经济取得了巨大发展;蒸汽和电力取代了人力,钢取代了铁。机器和石油得到了应用,客运和货运可以通过铁路进行。煤和铁以巨大产量位居世界之首。
②features in the growth of the economy:1) there emerged a growth of industrial and financial mergers. By 1910, incorporation had become the dominant type; 2)With the development of industry and the extension of railroad network,there was a mushroom growth of cities and urbanization; 3)there was a rapid development of new technology. The automobile and radio also developed. America was on the way of becoming a nation on wheels.经济发展的特点:1)出现了工业和金融合并发展的势头。到1910年,联合企业已成为主导形式;2)随着工业和铁路网络的扩张,城市如雨后春笋般发展起来(都市化);3)新工业技术的发展迅猛。汽车和无线电也发展起来,美国正在成为一个车轮上的国家。
2) progressivism and some of the reform efforts.
Progressivism, also known as the Progressive Movement, appeared in America at the turn of the 20th century. It demanded government regulation(规范) of the economy and social conditions – social area: to improve living conditions of the poor, to ban child labour, work hour limit for women workers,and industrial accident insurance. Political area:to reform state and city governments and economic area:to regulate big businesses.进步运动出现在20世纪初,是一场要求政府调控经济和社会生活条件的运动—社会领域:改善城市贫民的居住条件,禁止使用童工,政治领域:改革市政府和州政府,经济领域:调控大型企业。
①the Muckrakers and Progressive Movement: The Muckrakers, a group of reform-minded journalists,made investigations and exposed various dark sides of society.Progressive Movement was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political,social, and economic reforms.搜集并揭发丑闻的人,是一群锐意改革的新闻记者,调查和揭露了社会的阴暗面。进步运动不是一场具有明确目标的有组织的运动,而是政治,社会以及经济改革方面一系列不同形式的努力。
3) role of the U.S. in WWI
at the beginning of the war, Wilson said American policy was neutrality, But in fact it pursued a policy of pro-Ally(支持同盟国) partiality. American declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.The Peace Conference,the Paris Conference,began on January 18,1919.The conference was actually a conference of division of colonies of Germany,Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and the grabbing of as much as possible from the defeated nations.The result of the Paris Conference was the emergence of the Versailles Treaty System in Europe.战争初期,威尔逊声明美国中立,但事实上采用了亲同盟国的偏狭政策。美国于1917年4.6对德宣战。1919.1.18,巴黎和会召开,这个会议实质上是瓜分德国,奥匈帝国,奥斯曼帝国殖民地,尽可能掠夺战败国的会议。巴黎和会的结果是欧洲凡尔赛条约体系的出现
4) characteristics of the 1920s
The 1920s in the U.S. has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.the war changed the U.S. from a debtor nation into a creditor. There was further urbanization, new development of technology and mass production. The 1920s in the U.S. has been described as a period of material success and spiritual frustration. More people had cars. The government gave help to industry and business. There existed a highly aggressive and intolerant nationalism. There was the Red Scare in 1919 and 1920. There was the revival of the Ku Klux Klan(三K党反动组织复活)which claimed a membership of 5 million.20世纪20年代的美国被很多历史学家描绘成一个物质丰厚而精神崩溃和迷惘的年代。战争将美国从债务国变成债权国。进一步的都市化,技术和大规模生产有了新的发展。更多的人有了车。政府给予工业和商业帮助。产生了一种激进、偏狭的民族主义。一是1919-1920的‘红色恐怖’;三K党的复兴,宣布已有5百万党员。
5) the Great Depression(1929-1937) and the New Deal 大萧条和新政
①no regulation or control over various kinds of investment companies.The banking system lacked stability. stock market speculation(股票市场投机) and over expansion of credit.(借贷过度膨胀)stock market crash (1929): America’s stock market crash came on October 24,1929, called the black Thursday 没有对各种投资公司调节与控制。银行系统缺乏稳定性。股票市场的投机与信贷过度膨胀。股票崩盘:1929.10.24,被称为黑色星期四。
②the gross national product(GNP) shrank(收缩) from $87 billion in 1929 to $41 billion in 1933. the unemployed went up; Misery and personal sufferings were widespread.国民生产总值从1929年的870亿降到1933年的410亿美元。失业率增加,不幸和痛苦到处可见。
6) Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
①Roosevelt became the U.S. president in 1932. He had a sure sense of what seemed practical or possible. He was a great communicator, able to talk to people in all walks of life. His “fireside chats”over the radio were listened to by millions of people.罗斯福于1932年成为美国总统,他能准确辨别什么是现实的或可行的。他是一个伟大的交际者,能够和各界人事谈的来。他通过无线电播出的“炉边谈话”拥有数百万的听众。
②the New Deal: Measure of the New Deal include establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking; Federal government management of relief and security system(社会救济保障体系); recovery of industry and agriculture; passage of federal labour laws; improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.These measures,was to “save American democracy”.and help overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.新政:建立和加强政府对银行的管理和控制;联邦政府对救济进行管理,建立社会救济保障体系;刺激工,农业的复苏;通过劳工法;改善少数民族和某些宗教团体成员的状况。这些措施的目的是“拯救美国的民主”,帮助美国克服了当时资本主义所经历的最严重的经济危机。
7)America in W W II
①The Second World War was the result of struggle between the great powers for control of the world and military expansion of the countries of Nazi Germany,Fascist Italy and militarist Japan.Isolationism before WW II and neutrality at first二战是由大国为争夺世界霸权,以及纳粹德国,法西斯主义的意大利和军国主义的日本进行军事扩张而导致的。美国第二次世界大战前的孤立主义和初期的中立政策。
②the Pearl Harbour Incident in December,1941 1941.12月的珍珠港事件
③American wartime objectives and guiding principles for wartime diplomacy美国的战时目标和战时外交的指导原则。The objectives were the total destruction of the Axis powers and the establishment of a would order after unconditional victory in accord with American ideals and interest; Two guiding principles: the first was to win the war, the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with American interest and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.战时目标是彻底摧毁轴心国势力,并在取得无条件胜利后建立与美国理想与利益符合的世界秩序。两个指导原则:1是取得战争胜利,2是建立一个符合美国利益的战后政治结构,并防止苏联过度扩张。
④Anglo-American Strategy and differences in Europe. 英美在欧洲的战略和分歧
A Stratergy of Europe : to defeat Germany first; The second issue was poliy towards the Soviet Union.欧洲战略:先击败德国,2是对苏联的政策。
The differences: The United States was eager to take away from France and Britain their former colonies and let them become independent states. Britain did not like the America’s policy美国渴望英、法的殖民地摆脱英、法而成为独立国家。英不同意。
⑤American policy towards the Soviet Union美国对的对苏政策:1)to keep the Soviet Union in the war;2) to get the Soviet Union into the war against Japan; 3)to influence Soviet policy and to be very watchful about Soviet expansive intention.1)让苏联继续参战,2)使苏联卷入对日抗战;3)给苏联外交政策一定的影响,同时十分警惕苏联的扩张意图。
⑥Potsdam Conference(1945)波茨坦会议:showed that there were great differences among America, Britain and the Soviet Union.
Chapter 17 America in Postwar Era (1945-1980s) 二次大战后的美国
1)Origins of the Cold War冷战的起源
①time: began with the ending of the WW II; Causes: caused by conflicts between the U.S. and the S.U. arose basically from their separate concepts of postwar world order;the different policy: During the Cold War, the U.S. government would support any country which said it was fighting against communism. And the Soviet Union beliveved it should rapidly build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism.
②George Kennan (proposed the containmetn policy on February 22,1946)and the containmetn policy: the containment policy became the offical policy towards the Soveit Union until 1989.
2)The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan杜鲁门主义和马歇尔计划。
①the Truman Doctrine: the U.S government should support any country which said it was fighting against commuism. It was put forward by the U.S. President Truman in 1947
②The Marshall Plan: In order to protect Western Eutope from possible Soviet expansion, the U.S. decided to offer Werstern European countries economic aid. It was annouced by Secretary of State George Marshall on June 5, 1947.
3)Effects of McCarthyism (麦卡锡主义1950-1954) of on American societyMcCarthy used “big lie”tactic to persecute progressive people. He said he had the names of over 200 Communists in the State Department. His lies caused full-scale, anti-Communist hysteria in America and frightened a large number of ordinary Americans.
4) the postwar boom in the U.S.:
Since 1945 the U.S. had entered a twenty-five years economic boom. The cornerstones(支柱产业) were the automobile, housing and defence industries. During this period, the economy grew at an average rate of 3.5 percent per year. The nation’s GNP rose from just over $200 billion in 1946 to close to $1 trillion in 1970. Crucial to the postwar economic boom was the baby boom—the upsurge in births and military spending. More than 63 million babies were born between 1946 and 1961 in the U.S. and this increased consumption.
5) U.S China relations (1949-1972)
①The Taiwan issue and U.S. support of Chiang Kaishek: the Taiwan problem was been a key problem in U.S – Chiana relations. The U.S. provided Chiang with military aid.
②change in U.S policy towards China from Nixon’visit in 1972
③normalization and remaining problems(关系正常化和现存问题):Soon after the estalishment of diplomatic relations with Chian in 1979, the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan Relations Act(台湾关系法) which violater the spirit of the agreement for the establishment of diplomatic relations.
6)The New Right and their program新右派及其纲领
the New Right consists of two groups of people: the firm believers protestan religious teachings(新教教义) who were concerned with social and moral issues; and the intellectuals who were concerned with political and foreign policy issues. The New Right demanded equal time in school for the teaching of man created by God as opposed to the teaching of evolution(对相反的上帝造人说和进化论实行等学时教育). They opposed abortion(人工流产) and “affirmative action”(在就业及入学方面优侍黑人及其他少数民族的行动。)
Chapter 18 The U.S. Economy 美国经济
1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy: ①the geographical location of the United States povides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong. ②the United States has been blessed by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate. ③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for a constantly expanding economy. ④ the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force.
2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy: characterised by a high degree of monopoly.
3) the importance of foreign trade: the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does any other country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world’s total;②the US imports about 13% of all world imports; ③ Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble.
4) problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit.
Chapter 19. Political Institution 政治体制
1) A workable form of government under the Constitution: a federal system of government which has two layers of rule. 两极统治的联邦政府体制
2)Separation of powers with checks and balances under the Constitution: The Constitution divides the government into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Each branch has only part of the powers but not all the powers. The three branches are in balance and they may check each other.
3) Safeguards for individual liberty under the Constitution: the Bill of Rights. It is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Ti guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and petition, freedom from unreasonable searches, right to jury trial, right to due process of law and other legal rights.
宪法下的个人自由 的保护:人权。这是最早的十个宪法修正案中的总称。他确保了宗教、言论、出版、集会、请愿和免受无理搜查的自由,还确保了接受陪审团审判、享受应有的法律程序和其他合法权利。
4)Powers of the American president: ①The president is the head of the executive branch(行政部门首脑). ②He is also head of state(元首) elected by the whole nation. ③he has some legislative powers(立法权); ④he is responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations; ⑤ he signs Bills passed by Congress into law.⑥ he appoints fedeal officials;⑦he has some judicial powers;⑧commander-in-chief(总司令)⑨he can serve for no more than 2 term任期不超过2届。
总统权利:总统是行政部门首脑;2.国家元首;3.立法权;4.负责美国与其他国家的关系;5.6.委任政府官员;7.司法权利;8.总司令;9. 任期不超过2届。
5)Powers of the House of Representatives: the House of Representatives can ①introduce legislation, ②revenue bills and ③bring charges against officials, including the President. 众议院权利:1.立法;2.征税法案3.指控官员,包括总统。
6)Powers of the Senate: the Senate has the power to ①introduced legislation on any subject except revenue bills (除了税收法案). It has the authority to ②confirm or reject predidential appointments(总统任命) of high officials as well as the U.S. foreign treaties. ③Its chairman is the Vice President.参议院权利:1立法除税收。还有一些特殊权利:2批准或否决总统任命的高级官员及外交条约;3.领导人是副总统。
7)The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: According to the Constitution, the judicial power of the U.S shall be vested in one Supreme Court. The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court, 11 court of appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special jurisdiction. U.S.judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。
8)The two-party system and the characteristics of the two major parties
①the two-party system:the two party system means that the two major political parties – now the Democrats and the Republicans – compete with each other to dominate politics at the federal, state, and local levels.两党制意味着两个主要的政党—目前为民主党和共和党—支配着联邦、州及地方的政治舞台。
②the characteristics of the two major parties:The two major parties are not very different today. They are two coalitions of interests and interest groups(利益集团的联合). There is no strict party discipline(党纪). One does not have to apply or go through necessary formalities to become a member of either party. But there are some differences between them. The Democrats traditionally favour government intervention (主张政府干涉经济)while the Republicans stress the role of the market (市场作用)more. On social issue the Democrats support a strong social security system (社会安全保障体制) while the Republicans oppose large governmental social security programs. In spite of these differenes, the two parties both believe in individualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownership of means of production(坚持生产资料私有制) .两个主要政党今天并没有实质区别。他们是利益集团的联合。没有严格的党纪。要想成为某党成员,不需要申请或办理必要的手续。但他们有所不同。民主党主张政府干涉,共和党则强调市场作用。在社会问题上,民主党支持建立强大的社会保障体系,而共和党反对大规模的政府社会保障计划。尽管存在这些区别,两党都信仰个人主义,保护资本主义制度,维护生产资料私有制。
Chapter 20. Education
1) Characteristics of American education:
①formal education in the US consistes of elementary, secondary and higher education.②Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compulsory③public and private schools:Public schools are created, financially supported and governed by states or communities, and private ones by religious groups, or nonreligious private organizations or individuals.④the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution said education was included among the responsibilities which were “reserved to the states or the people”, This makes it clear that education is a function of the state, not the federal government.⑤diversity and sameness in educational policy and practice. 1.正式教育包括初等、中等、高等教育2.构成公共教育的初、中等教育是免费和义务的;3.公立和私立学校:公立学校由州或社区创建、资助和管理,私立由宗教团体、或非宗教性质的个人或组织来创建;4.《宪法第十修正案》把教育包括在‘只属于州和人民’的职责中,这清晰表明教育是州的职能,并非联邦政府的;5.教育政策和教学实践的多样性和类同性
2)Elementary and secondary educationin the US
Elementary schools: In some states the elementary school covers grades 1-8, but in some other states it covers grades 1-5 or 6. so it takes 5,6or 8 years to finish the elementary school in the United Stetes. The elementary school curriculum(课程) mainly consists of mastery of the “basics”(基础课) , such as reading, writing, and arithmetic or mathematics.一些州小学包括1-8年级,但另一些是1-5或6年级。所以在美国小学要花5,6或8年完成。小学的课程重要包括‘基本知识’的掌握,比如阅读,写作,和算术或数学。
Secondary Schools: Secondary schools are also called high schools in the United Stetes, covering grades 9-12,the junior high school 6or 7-9,and the high school 10-12. High schools are made up of comprehensive, academic, vocational and technical schools with somewhat different tasks. There are 21000 public secondary schools and a number of private secondary schools in the US.中学包括9-12年级或初中6或7到9,高中10-12。中学包括不同教学任务的综合性学校,普通文化课学校和职业和技术学校。共有21000所公立中学和一些私立中学。
3) Different types of colleges and universities:
① research universities②doctoral universities ③master’s comprehensive colleges and universities.④Liberal arts colleges ⑤junior colleges ⑥specialized institutions.学院和大学的区别:1.研究性大学;2.博士学位大学;3.硕士学位综合大学和学院;4.文科学院;5.两年专科学院;6.专科学院
Famous universities:Harvard,Yale,Princeton,Columbia and MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),Stanford,Berkeley.哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,哥伦比亚,麻省理工学院,斯坦福,伯克利。
4) the admission system in US univerisities:
The general standards for admission include successful completion of high school(高中毕业), high school grade point average(GPA)( 高中年纪平均积分点成绩) and class rank (在班级名次),results from standardized tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SIA)(学生技能测试) and American College Testing Program’s (美国大学考试计划) examination. But some universities practise open admission(敞开招生): they admit all high school graduates and all residents of the state(州内所有居民) 。大学的入学体系:入学的普遍标准包括中学的顺利毕业,GPA,班级名次,标准化测验的成绩就像SAT和ACTP。但是一些大学也实行开放式入学:他们允许所有中学毕业生或所有本州的所有居民。
5)The role of the community college:
①they prepare students for transferring to a BA program at a four-year institution. ②they provide vocational training;③they give remedial instruction(补习课) to students. ④they offer recreational, cultural activities for adults. ⑤they absorb students in a four-year program who are not qualified into a lower-status vocational program. 社会学院的作用:1.为学生攻读4年制院校学士学位做准备;2.提供职业培训;3.补习指导;4.为成人提供文化娱乐活动;5.将不适应4年制学习的学生吸收到较低一级的职业培训中。
6) Adult education
some colleges and universities offer “continuing education” program of associate degrees, graduate studies or professional development.under such system,a worker may continue his study even on a part-time basis.一些学院和大学提供继续教育,授予准学士学位,研究生课程或专业培训。在这样的体制下,工人可以在业余时间继续其学业。
7) Education reform in the 1980s and early 1990s.教育改革
① “a Nation At Risk” report in 1983 put forward five proposals(P.328) to improve American education;the education reforms had two focuses: the raising of the standards of teaching and learning; the restructuring of the schools.1983年,一篇名为〈处于危机中的国家〉的报道,提出了5条建议改善美国的教育;教育改革有两个重点:提高教学水平,调整学校结构。
②in 1991,President Bush issued his plan “America 2000: An Education Strategy”. It set six goals(P.330) and put forward a series of proposals to help carry out some of the goals.1991年,布什总统公布了他的〈2000年的美国:一项教育策略〉计划。确定了6个目标和有效达到这一目标的一系列建议。
Chapter 21. Literature,Architecture and Music 文学,建筑和音乐
1) Major American Writers and their works
①Bejamin Franklin(1706-1790)本杰明.富兰克林: the only writer in the colonial period. Works: Poor Richard’S Almanac, which is an annual collection of proverbs.殖民地时期的作家。作品:《穷理查年鉴》,一本年度谚语集。
②Washington Irving(1803-1882) 华盛顿 欧文: A History of New Youk纽约外史; The Sketch Book最著名的作品为《见闻札记》,his most famous book, contians “Rip Van Winkle”《瑞普.凡.温克尔》and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”《睡谷的传说》
③Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882) 爱默生:the leader of the movement of transcendentalism.超验 主义运动的领导者Works:Nature,(论自然) Self-reliance(论自助), Representative Men(代表人物), English Traits and Poems(英国人的性格和诗).
④Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864) 霍桑:The Scarlet Letter红字
⑤Mark Twain1835-1910)马克吐温: The Celebrated Jumping Frog(《著名的跳蛙》,成名之作) ;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(a boy book)汤姆.索亚历险记; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(his master work)哈克贝利.芬历险记,则是他最杰出著作; Atramp Abroad浪迹海外, Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上, The Golded Age 镀金时代and Innocents Abroad异乡奇遇。
⑥Walt Whitman(1819-1892) 沃尔特. 惠特曼: the first to explore fully the possibilities of free verse(探索自由诗体可能性的第一人). Leaves of Grass(his masterpiece)草叶集,
Emily Dickinson(1830-1886) 艾米丽. 狄更生:Death was one of the great themes of her work死亡是她作品的重要主题之一
⑦Theordor Dreiser(1871-1945)西奥多.德莱塞: the representative of naturalists in whose works reported truthfully and objectively the life in the slums.自然主义代表,在他们的作品里对贫民窟的生活进行了真实而客观的报道。 Works:Trilogy of Desire(欲望三部曲); An American Tragedy(美国的悲剧—被公认为最佳作品,which is considered to be his best)
⑧T.S Eliot(1888-1965);won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946
⑨Emest hemingway(1899-1967)海明威; was awarded the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔文学奖for literature in 1954. A Farewell to Arms永别了,武器; For Whom the Bell Tolls(the two about the first and second world war); 丧钟为谁而鸣(关于一、二战的2篇小说)Old Man and the Sea(his representative book)老人与海(代表作).
2)Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆复兴) and black writing in American literature:
In the 1920s, Black Litrature developed into an upsurge which has come to be known as the Harlem Renaissace.20世纪20年代, 黑人文学蓬勃发展,后来被称为‘哈莱姆复兴’。Langston Hughes(1899-1967) 休斯 (masterpiece: The Weary Blues困倦的BLUES) and Richard Wright(1908-1960) 赖特(masterpiece: Native Son土生子) were the major figures of those Black writers.
Chapter 22. Holidays and Festivals
1) New year’s Day
celebration in the US: the celebration of this holiday begins the night before-on New Year’s Eve. Most people like to hold big parties at private homes or go to restaurants or clubs; Mummers Parade化装游行(one of the most popular New Year’s activities held in Philadelphia on the first day);the Rose Tournament玖瑰竞赛(held in Pasadena,California.)庆祝从前一天晚上—新年前夜就开始了。大多数人喜欢在家里开晚会或去饭店、俱乐部;在费城举行的化装游行是新年活动中最受欢迎的活动之一;玖瑰竞赛在加利福尼亚的怕萨迪纳举行。
2) Valentine’s Day(Feb. 14)
a day for lovers, and one of the loveliest holiday in the US
3) Easter in the US
the second of the two most important religious holidays for Christians. It is on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after March 21, and it is for celebrating the rising of Jesus Christ from his tomb.Symbols for Easter: egg and hare(rabbit or bunny) 是基督教徒的两大主要宗教节日的第二个。是3.21满月或其后的第一个星期日,为了庆祝基督耶稣从坟墓中复活。象征物:鸡蛋和兔子。
4) Independence Day(July 4):
it is for celebrating the Declaration of Independence adopted on July 4,1776.美国独立纪念日7月4日:这是为庆祝1776.7.4独立宣言批准。
5) Halloween(October 31)万圣节10.31:
a night-time children’s holiday.it is a time for frightening costumes, masks parties, games and tricks—all for fun.夜晚进行的孩子们的节日。这时会有恐怖的穿戴、面具、晚会、游戏和恶作剧—一切为了娱乐。
6)Thanksgiving Day(Fourth Thursday of November)感恩节11月第4个星期4:
a typical American holiday.turkey, roast pumpkin and so on.
7) Chrismas(December 25): which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ,is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the US
Part Three Chapter 23 Canada’s geography and history
Chapter 23 Geograpgy and History
Canada(the capital: Ottawa;渥太华)
1) Canada’s geography features:
①lies to the north of the US; the world’s second largest country after Russia.②it has an extremely varied topography:the east part is mountainous maritime provinces have an irregular coastline on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic;The west part, the Pacific border is separated from the rest of the country by mountain ranges from north to south including the Rockies; the central part is a vast plain.③the climate is unfavorable, much of Canada has long and cold winters with deep snow.④The highest peak is Mount Logan; The two principal river systems are the Mackenzic River and the St. Lawrence River座落于美国的北部,仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国;2.地形十分复杂:东部山区沿海省份沿劳伦斯湾和大西洋形成不规则的海岸;西部,太平洋沿岸地区被南北走向的山脉分离,其中包括落基山脉;中部是一个大平原;3.气候不甚宜人,大部分地区冬季既漫长又寒冷,积雪深厚;4.最高峰是劳根峰,主要的两大河流是马更些河与圣劳伦斯河。
2) Geographical regions and their characteristics(P365)
①Atlantic Province大西洋沿岸诸省区:the Grand Banks大浅滩;natural harbor that is ice free天然不冻港
②St. Lawrence-Great Lakes Provinces圣劳伦斯及五大湖省区:Ottawa, the capital of Canada, in the province of Ontario.
③the Canadian Shield加拿大地盾区Almost half of Canada is covered by the Canadian Shield.It’s a semicircular band of rocky highlands and plateaus.几乎半数的地区都被加拿大地盾所覆盖。地盾为一半圆形的多石高地和高原带。
④Prairie provinces大草原诸省区
⑤British Columbia不列顛哥伦比亚区Vancouver is British Columbia’s largest city and the third largest city in Canada.
⑥Northern provinces and territories北部诸省及地区
3) The European discovery of Canada:
①”Kanata”was an Indian Word for “settlement”
②the discovery of Newfoundland by John Cabot, an Italian sea captain, in 1497;
③the opening of Canada by Jaques Cartier, a French navigator, in 1535;
④the discovery of the huge Hudson Bay by Henry Hudson, an English explorer,in 1610.
⑤the establishment the interior of French colony in Quebec by Samuel de Champlain, in 1608.’Kanata’是印第安语‘居住者’;2.纽芬兰是1497年意大船长约翰.卡波特发现的;2.1535年法国的航海家开放了加拿大内地;3.哈的逊大草原是1610年英国探险家亨利.哈的逊发现;
4)The rivalry between the British and the French: ①the settlement of New Franch(the estern coastal area东海岸) and The English established larger and better settlements in their New England colonies and Virginia.②French lost Newfoundland,Hudson Bay, and Nova Scotia to England in 1713.③the whole of Canada came under the British rule, after the Seven Year’s war betwenn England and Franch from 1756-1763英法竞争:法国殖民地(东海岸地区),英国人在新英格兰和弗吉尼亚建立了更大更好的殖民地2.1713年法国人失去了纽芬兰,哈的逊大草原和新斯科舍,落到英国人手里。3)在7年的英法战争后1756-1763,整个加拿大属于英国统治,
5)Self-government and the foundation of the Confederation:
①sir John Macdonald was the first prime minister.During his time, Canada expanded in territory to its present size.②Sir John Wilfrid Laurier was second prime minister, he also founded the Canadian Navy and tried to increase Canada’s control over its foreign relations.③Canada entered WW I, and won the right to sign the Peace Treaty of 1919 in its own name, and gained the membership of the League of Nation(国际联邦成员国) 。④Canada became an independent nation from a former dominion in 1931, by the Statute of Westminster.Since then Canada became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.⑤Newfoundland became Canada’s tenth province in 1949.自治与联邦:第一任总理约翰.麦克唐纳。在他任职期间,加拿扩张他的领土到现在的面积;2.第二任总理是约翰.威尔弗雷德.洛里埃,他创建了加拿大海军,并努力增强对外的控制权;3.加拿大参加了一战,获得了以本国国名签署的《1919和平条约》的权利,并在国际联盟中获得席位。4.1931年的《威斯敏斯特条例》正式宣布自治领。从此,加成为英联一员5.1949年纽芬兰成为加的第十个省。
6)Canada in WW I and WW II:
Canada entered WW I, and won the right to sign the Peace Treaty in its own name, and gained the menbership of the League of Nation; During WW II ,Canada fought as an ally of Britain in WW II加拿大参加了一战,获得了以本国国名签署的《1919和平条约》的权利,并在国际联盟中获得席位。二战作为英国的同盟参与作战。
Part Five Australia
Chapter27 Land and People
(capital: Canberra) 堪培拉
1) Australia’s geographical features:
①an old continent of 3 billion years;②the flatest and lowest of all the continents with no high mountains.the highest point is Mount Kosciusko at 2,255 meters above sea level.地理特征:1.最古老的陆地,有3亿年的历史;2.最平坦、最低的陆地,没有高山。最高点是科修斯科山,海拔2255米
2) Australia’s geographical structure:
the country is generally divided into three regions according to the shape of the surface land:the Great Western Plateau; the Eastern Highlands and the Central Eastern Lowlands.地理结构:通常分成3个地形区:西部大高原,东部高地和中东部低地。
3) Factors that affect Australia’s climate:
two district features of climate—a hot continent and a dry continent.①39% of Australia lies in the tropics and most of the rest is close to it.②few mountains ③the dry,sunny,the high pressure cells that affect it most of the years also make the continent hot and dry.④most of Australia is far from the ocean.影响气候的因素:既干燥又炎热。1.39%地区处于热带,其他地区均气候温暖2.山地稀少3.全年大部分时间影响气候的干旱、晴朗、气压高致使陆地干燥和炎热。4.大部分地区都远离海洋。
4) Composition of Australia’a population:
Australia has a population of 18 million, 1.5% of which, that is 250000 are Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people.is one of the most urbanized counties in the world.80% of Australians live in the suburbs of coastal cities and towns.人口分布:1800万,25万土著人和托雷斯海峡岛民,占澳人口的1.5%。是世界上城市化程度最高的国家之一,80%的人居住在沿海城镇的郊区。
5) Australia’s built environment(r.478)建设环境
6) Political divisions in Australia:
six states(州)and two territories(区)-New South Wales;Victoria;Queensland; South Australia; Western Australia; Tasmania; Northern Territory; Australian Capital Territory.行政区划:分为6个州和2个区—新南威尔士;维多利亚;昆士兰;南澳大利亚;西澳大利亚;塔斯马尼亚州;北部地区
Canburry is an Aboriginal word for “meeting place”and from it came the name of the capital, Canberra.
Part Six New Zealand
Chapter33.New Zealand (capital: Wellington) 惠灵顿
1) New Zealand’s geography:
①New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and the South Pole. 新西兰地处南太平洋,位于赤道和南极之间。
②The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan. 新西兰的面积与英国和日本相近。
a. It has two main islands:North Island and South Island它有2个主要的岛,北岛和南岛
b. Hilly and 3/4 land more than 200 meters above sea level多山,3/4地区海拔200米以上
c. Three volcanic mountains in North Island: Ruapebh, Ngeaurohoe and Tongariro. 3座火山在北岛:鲁阿佩胡火山,扭鲁货伊火山和汤加里
d. the largest lake: Lake Taupo(托波湖) 最大的湖:托波湖
e. the highest peak: Mt Cook in South Island. 3764M最高峰:南岛的库克山,海拔3764米
f. the largest river:the Clutha(克鲁沙河) in S.I. and Waikato and the Wanganui in N.I. 最大河流:克鲁沙河在南岛,怀卡托河和黄加雷河在北岛。
New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line,so it is the first country to get the new day. 新西兰位于国际日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来的国家。
Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.
2) Characteristics of New Zealand’s climate;
①generally temperates. 1.气候温和,
②varied climate: In the far north it is subtropical(亚热带) and in some mountainous areas of South Island it is subarctic(亚寒带)2.多样,最北端是亚热带气候,南岛一些山区则是亚寒带气候
③Rain falls all year round. .常年下雨
3) Native plants and animals:
①”the bush”丛林;native evergreen trees常青树: Kauri(栲李树) ,totara(椭榻拉树), the “cabbage tree”(a giant lily百合科植物).②a nocturnal(awake at nitht) bird that can not fly. It is the national symbol and New Zealander call themselves Kiwis.几维鸟是一种夜间不会飞的鸟,是新西兰的象征③ kiwifruit(新西兰果):introduced form chinese monkey fruit(弥猴桃).④the only native land mammal are two species of bats.
The red pohutukawa called New Zealand Christmas tree
The kiwi is a national symbol and New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis.
4) Historical background of New Zealand:
①the Maori history and the European history; 1.毛利历史和欧洲历史,
②The first European to visit new Zealand was a Dutchman, Abel Tasman in 1642; 2.第一个到达新西兰的欧洲人是荷兰的阿贝尔.塔斯曼,1642年。
③the first Englishman to visit was Captain James Cook of the British Royal Navy in 1769. 3.早到达新西兰的英国人是英国皇家海军的詹姆士.库克船长,1769年。
④the first offical governor, William Hobson was sent there by the British government in 1840, representing Queen Victoria, and some Maori chiefs, signed the Treaty of Waitangi.Modern New Zealand was founded. 4. 1840年第一位总督威廉.赫伯森,代表维多利亚女王和毛利酋长签订了《威坦哲条约》,现代新西兰成立了。
⑤it was granted internal self-government in 1852. 1852年,获得内部自治权
⑥Wellington founded by the first settlers became the capital in 1865. 6.1865年,移民者建立惠灵顿成为首都,
⑦Land war between the Europeans and the Maoris broke out in the 1860s. 7.19世纪60年代欧洲人和毛利人发生土地纠纷,爆发战争。
⑧Gold was discovered in Otago and Westland, but the gold boom ended in 1870. 8.1870年,淘金热结束
The Treaty of Waitangi 1840 has three articles
1) the Maori people gave the Queen of England the right to make laws for the country
2)promised the Maori own their lands,forests,fisheries and other treasured possessions,if Maori wanted to sell land ,only the Crown had the right to buy。
3)Maoris were granted all the rights and privileges of British subjects.
The anniversary of the signing, February 6, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day, Waitangi Day, and is a national holiday.
6)Characteristics of Maori culture(Maoritanga)毛利文化: Maoritanga means Maori culture, the Maori way of life and view of the world, which is a very important part of New Zealand culture today.是毛利人的生活方式和对世界的看法,这是新西兰文化中重要的一部分。
Aotearoa—is the Maori name for New Zealand New Zealand