1. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Ai-Xia Zhang,Superfluid Fermi Gas in Optical Lattices: Self-Trapping, Stable, Moving Solitons and Breathers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180401 (2008)
2. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Ai-Xia Zhang,Jie liu, Self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices: The effect of the lattice dimension. Phys. Rev. A, 77, 013602(2008)
3. Ai-Xia Zhang, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Band structure and stability of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with two- and three-atom interactions. Phys. Rev. A, 75, 013624 (2007)
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7. Nan-Xia Wei, Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Bounded dust-acoustic waves in a cylindrical bounded collisional dusty plasma with dust charge variation . Phys. Plasmas 13, 052101 (2006)
8. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Peng Ping, Head-on collision of ring dark soliton in Bose-Einstein condensates. Chinese Phys. 15, 1149 (2006)
9. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Nonlinear waves in nonplanar and nonuniform dusty plasmas,Phys. Plasmas 13, 022104 (2006)
10. Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Chaotic synchronization by replacing nonlinear terms with signals. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28, 228(2006)
11. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Interaction of solitary waves in magnetized warm dusty plasmas with dust charging effects, Chinese Phys. 15, 0562 (2006)
12. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The dynamics of ring dark soliton in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates. Eur. Phys. J. D, 37, 241(2006)
13. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Controllable compression of bright soliton matter waves. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 3841–3848 (2005)
14. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instability of the trapped Bose–Einstein condensates. Phys. Lett. A 341 (2005) 527–531
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16. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), A cylindrical Davey–Stewartson equation for a modulated cylindrical wave packet. Phys. Plasmas 12, 092107 (2005)
17. Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The instability of electrostatic wave in a magnetized dusty plasma with nonadiabatic dust charge fluctuation. Chinese Physics. 14,2052(2005)
18. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Non-linear waves in non-planar inhomogeneous dusty plasmas. Eur. Phys. J. D 33, 433-435(2005)
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21. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Nonplanar dust-ion acoustic shock waves with transverse perturbation. Phys. Plasmas 12, 012314 (2005)
22. Li-Ping Zhang(张丽萍), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Effects of the dust charge variation and non-thermal ions on multi-dimensional dust acoustic solitary structures in magnetized dusty plasmas. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23, 550 (2005).
23. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic solitary waves with dissipative effect. Phys. Lett. A 322, 225(2004)
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26. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), The nonlinear evolution of ring dark solitons in Bose–Einstein condensates. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 11223–11228 (2004)
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28. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Propagation of nonplanar dust-acoustic envelope solitary waves. Physics of Plasmas. 11, 1860-1865(2004)
29. Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Nonthermal electrons and warm ions effects on oblique modulation of ion-acoustic waves. Physics of Plasmas. 11, 3939-3944(2004)
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31. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Electrostatic waves in inhomogeneous dusty plasmas with grain charge fluctuation. Choas, Solitons & Fractals., 19(4), 971-975 (2004)
32. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和), The KP and ZK equations for electrostatic waves with grain charge fluctuation. Chinese Physics. 13, 60-64(2004)
33. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Lang He(郎和), Modulational instability of cylindrical and spherical dust ion-acoustic waves. Physics of Plasmas. 10(2), 339-342(2003)
34. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical dust acoustic waves with transverse perturbation. Physics of Plasmas. 10(8), 3430-3431(2003)
35. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Cylindrical and spherical dust ion acoustic shock waves. Physics of Plasmas. 10(12), 4893(2003).
36. Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎),Stability of oblique modulation of dust-acoustic waves in a warm dusty plasma with dust charge variation. Physics of Plasmas. 2003, 10(9), 3800-3803.
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41. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Rong-An Tang(唐荣安), Oblique Modulation of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a Warm Plasma. Physica Scripta. , 67,74 –76(2003)
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44. Ju-Kui Xue(薛具奎), Modulational instablity of the dust ion acoustic waves in a collisional dusty plasma. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 40, 717–720, (2003)
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