2010年 2009年 2008年 2007年 2006年
2010 年
67. J.G. Li, P. Jonsson, C. Z. Dong and G. Gaigalas, Two-electron-one-photon M1 and E2 transitions between states of the 2p3 and 2s2 2p odd configurations of B-like ions with 18< Z< 92, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 035005 (2010)
66. S.Fritzsche, C.Z.Dong and F.?Koike, Isotope shift calculations for open-shell atoms and ions: an extension to the RATIP program, Hyperfine Interactions(2010)(inpress )
65. P. Jonsson, J. G. Li, G. Gaigalas, C. Z. Dong,Hyper?ne structures, isotope shifts and transition rates of C II, N III and O IV from relativistic con?guration interaction calculations, Atom. Data Nuclear Tables 96, 271 (2010)
64. X. L. Liu, C. Z. Dong, X. B. Ding and J. Jiang, Theoretical study of the 4d photoabsorption of the Cs+ ion, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 055202 (2010)
63. H. H. Kang, J. G. Li, C. Z. Dong and G. Gaigalas,The effect of hyperfine interaction on the lifetime of the 3s3p 3P2 level of Mg-like ions,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 095003 (2010)
62. X. L. Wang, J. J. Wan, Y. J. Wang, and C. Z. Dong, Theoretical study on the Ka transition properties of F-like ions, J. At. Mol. Sci.1, 134 (2010)
61. B. W. Li, C. Z. Dong, J. Jiang, et al,, Atomic structures and radiative properties of He-like ions in debye plasma,Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 12, 372 (2010)
60. 杨宁选,蒋军,颉录有,董晨钟,Theoretical study on electron impact excitation of highly charged Ne-like ions,物理学报 59,918(2010)
59. 桑翠翠,王永军,万建杰,丁晓彬?董晨钟,?Theoretical study of radiative recombination and the sub-sequent radiative decay processes in highly charged Au ions,物理学报 59,3871(2010).
58. 孙对兄,苏茂根,董晨钟,王向丽,张大成,马新文, Quantitative analysis of element concentration in Al alloy by using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 物理学报 59,4571(2010).
57. B. W. Li, C. Z. Dong, J. Jiang and J. G. Wang,electron-impact excitation of Ti 21+ in Debye plasmas,Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 201–207 (2010)
56. LI Jiguang, DONG Chenzhong, Interference Effects in Hyperfine Induced 2s2p 3 P0,3P2 -- 2s2 1S0 Transitions of Be-like Ions, Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,364(2010)
55. SUN Duixiong, SU Maogen , DONG Chenzhong, ZHANG Dacheng, MA Xinwen, A Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Essential Micronutrient in Folium Lycii Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Technique, Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,478(2010)
54. Yang Ning-Xuan, Dong Chen-Zhong, Jiang Jun, Xie Lu-You, Electron Impact Excitation Rate Coefficients of N II ion, Chin Phys.B19, 093101(2010)
2009 年
53. 郑曙东, 李博文, 李冀光, 董晨钟, 袁文渊,原子核的有限体积效应对高离化态离子能级和波函数的影响, 物理学报58, 1556 (2009);
52. 师应龙, 董晨钟, CII离子内壳层激发态的结构和衰变特性的理论研究, 物理学报, 58, 2350 (2009);
51. 王永军, 万建杰, 丁晓彬, 董晨钟, 马新文, 王建国, 吴勇,类氢U91+离子的辐射复合及其辐射退激发过程的理论研究, 物理学报, 58, 2358 (2009 );
50. 刘延君, 蒋军, 董晨钟, 颉录有, 电子与类铍N3+和O4+离子碰撞激发截面的相对论扭曲波计算, 物理学报 58, 2320 (2009);
49. YANG Ning-Xuan, DONG Chen-Zhong, JIANG Jun, Relativistic Distorted-Wave Collision Strengths of Ni-, Cu- and Zn-like Au Ions, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26, 053401 (2009);
48. J.G. Li, P. J?nsson, G. Gaigalas and C.Z. Dong,Hyperfine induced 1s2s 1S0 → 1s2 1S0 M1 transitionof He-like ions,Eur. Phys. J. D51, 313–317 (2009);
47. Jian-Jie Wan, Chen-Zhong Dong,Xiao-Bin Ding, Xin-Wen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas Stohlker, and Stephan Fritzsche,Radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collisions of U89+ ions with N2,Phys. Rev. A79, 022707 (2009);
46. 李博文, 蒋军, 董晨钟, 杨宁选, 康伟民,等离子体屏蔽效应对类氢离子束缚态的影响, 原子分子物理学报, 26, 107 (2009);
45. 李继弘, 罗月娥, 王学文, 董晨钟, 丁晓彬, 蒋军, 强组态相互作用对Sn离子谱线分布的影响, 原子分子物理学报, 26, 20 (2009);
44. 董晨钟, 杨宁选, 蒋军, 颉录有, 电子碰撞激发过程的相对论理论研究, 西北师大学报, 45, 30 (2009);
43. YANG Ning-Xuan, DONG Chen-Zhong, JIANG Jun, Theoretical Study on Inner Shell Electron Impact Excitation of Lithium, Chin. Phys. Lett, 26, 063401 (2009).
2008 年
42. Ding Xiao-Bin, Dong Chen-Zhong, Fumihiro Koike, Takako Kato, and Stephan Fritzsche, Excitation and decay dynamics of 1s2s inner-shell double-vacancy states of neon atoms, Chinese Physics B 17,1674(2008);
41. FU Yan-Biao, DONG Chen-Zhong, SU Mao-Gen, Gerry O' Sullivan, Dielectronic Recombination of Sn10+ Ions and Related Satellite Spectra, CHIN.PHYS.LETT. 25, 1 (2008) ;
40. 师应龙, 董晨钟, 张登红, 符彦飙, 高离化态离子的双电子复合过程的理论研究,物理学报 57, 0088 (2008);
39. Y. J. Yu, C. Z. Dong, J. G. Li, and B. Fricke,The excitation energies, ionization potentials, and oscillator strengths of neutral and ionized species of Uuq Z=114 and the homolog elements Ge, Sn, and Pb, THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 128, 124316(2008);
38. Y. L. Shi, C. Z. Dong, D. H. Zhang, Theoretical study of the KLL dielectronic recombination for highly charged iodine ions, Physics Letters A 372, 4913–4917 (2008);
37. 桑萃萃, 万建杰, 董晨钟, 丁晓彬, 蒋军, 锂原子的光电离过程的研究, 物理学报 57, 2152(2008);
36. 杨宁选, 董晨钟, 蒋军, 颉录有, Breit相互作用对类氦等电子序列离子的亚稳态1s2s 3S1电子碰撞激发截面的影响, 物理学报57, 2888(2008);
35. 蒋军, 颉录有, 董晨钟, 万建杰, 高离化态类Ne 离子的与X射线激光有关的3p-3s跃迁的理论研究, 原子分子物理学报 25, 0364(2008);
34. 罗月娥, 董晨钟, 颉录有, 丁晓彬, Xe 离子的f波函数的塌缩,原子分子物理学报 25, 0025 (2008);
33. 窦义芳, 符彦飚, 董晨钟, 颜君, 类Zn金离子M壳层激发态的结构及衰变性质的理论研究,原子分子物理学报 25, 0123(2008);
32. 王向丽, 胡宏伟, 董晨钟, L壳层双洞态氩离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布, 原子分子物理学报 25, 0493(2008);
31. Ding Xiaobin,Dong Chenzhong,and Stephan Fritzsche,Theoretical study on the decay of the 4d core-excited states of Cs III, Chinese Physics B, 17, 2033-07 (2008);
30. Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, Jian-Guo Wang, Resonance electron-impact excitation and polarization of the magnetic quadrupole line of neonlike Ba46+ ions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78, 022709 (2008);
29. L Y Xie, C Z Dong, Two-electron and one-photon transitions in highly charged nickel-like ions, Chinese Physics B 17, 1-06 (2008);
28. SANG Cui-Cui, DING Xiao-Bin, DONG Chen-Zhong,Photoionization of 1s Electron and Corresponding Shake-Up Process in Ground and Excited Lithium Atoms, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 25, 3624 (2008);
27. M. G. Su,C. Z. Dong, N. Murphy, G. O'Sullivan, P. Hayden and J. White,Theoretical analysis of xuv photoabsorption spectra of laser-produced iodine plasmas, Phys. Rev. A 78, 043401 (2008);
26.Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, Xiao-Xin Zhou and Jian-Guo Wang,Electron impact excitation of xenon from the metastable state to the excited states, J. Phys. B 41, 245204 (2008);
25. 颉录有, 张志远, 董晨钟, 蒋军, 高离化态类镍离子电子碰撞激发过程的相对论扭曲波理论研究, 物理学报 57, 6249 (2008);
24. 李继红, 杨宁选, 董晨钟, CaIII原子波函数的控制塌缩及其对辐射跃迁特性的影响, 原子分子物理学报, 25, 1050(2008);
23. 梁霞霞, 李冀光, 董晨钟, 一维双势阱问题的数值模拟研究, 原子分子物理学报25, 1039 (2008);
22. 黄良育, 苏茂根, 董晨钟, 高离花态S离子的束箔光谱的理论分析和模拟, 强激光与粒子束, 20, 1731(2008).
2007 年
21. J J Wan, C Z Dong, C C Sang, X B Ding, L Y Xie and J Jiang, Theoretical studies on photoionization of Na-like iron ion, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 367 (2007)
20. J Rzadkiewicz, D Banas, H F Beyer, C Brandau, C Z Dong, S Fritzsche, Study of intra-L shell transitions in Be-like uranium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 145 (2007)
19. S Trotsenko, Th Stohlker, D Banas, C Z Dong, S Fritzsche, Investigation of the Decay Properties of the 1s(2s) 2 State in Li-Like Uranium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 141 (2007)
18. Wu Yong, Zeng Si-Liang, Duan Bin, Yan Jun, Wang Jian-Guo, Dong Chen-Zheng, Ma Xin-Wen Low-Energy Rate Enhancement in Recombination Processes of Electrons into Bare Uranium Ions , Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 404 (2007).
17. 李冀光 , 董晨钟 , 俞友军 , 丁晓彬 , S. Fritzsche, B. Fricke, Uub(Z=112) 和 Hg(Z=80) 元素的原子结构和激发态性质,中国科学 G 辑 2007 (出版中) Web:
16. Jiang Jun, Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-you, Wang Jian-Guo, Yan Jun, S. Fritzsche, Relativistic distorted-wave calculations of electron impact excitation cross sections of Be-like C 2+ ions, Chin. Phys. Lett . 24, 691 (2007).
15. Li Ji-Guang, Dong Chen-Zhong, Ding Xiao-Bing, Resonance energies, absorption oscillator 、 strengths and ionization potentials for the element hassium (Z=108), Chin. Phys. Lett. 1, 83 (2007).
14. 万建杰 , 颉录有 , 董晨钟 , 蒋军 , 颜君 , 类镍等电子系列离子 M1, M2, E2 禁戒跃迁特性的理论研究 , 物理学报 56, 152 (2007)
2006 年
13. 胡宏伟,董晨钟,洞态氩离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布的理论研究 , 物理学报 55, 6326 (2006)
12. 符彦飙,董晨钟,张登红 等,类氦 Mg 离子的 KLn (n<7) 双电子复合过程的相对论理论研究 , 原子分子物理学报 23, 0782 (2006)
11. 曾思良 , 董晨钟 , 王建国 , 李月明 , 颜君, Xe X 离子 4d 9 - 4d 8 5p 跃迁的理论研究 , 强激光与离子束 18, 491 (2006)
10. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche, T. Kato and F. Koike, Lifetimes and branching fractions of the high angular momentum states of aluminium--like iron group elements Al-like Fe, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 369, 1735 (2006)
9. J. Rzadkiewicz, Th. Sthlker, D. Bana ? , H. F. Beyer, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, C. Z. Dong,, S. Fritzsche et al., Selective production of the 1s2s 1S0 and 1s2s 3S1 states of He-like uranium, Phys.Rev.A 74 , 012511 (2006)
8. Fu Yan-Biao, Dong Chen-Zhong, Zhang Deng-Hong, Koike Fumihiro, Kato Takako, The influence from high-n dielectronic satellites to K resonance line in helium-like aluminium, Chinese Physics 15, 2583 (2006)
7. Zhang Deng-Hong, Dong Chen-Zhong, Koike Fumihiro, Theoretical investigations on the decay of doubly excited 2s 2 1 S 0 states of He-like ions, Chin. Phys. Lett . 23, 2059 (2006)
6. C Z Dong, D H Zhang, Th St¨ohlker, S Fritzsche and B Fricke , Relativity, electron correlation and QED effects in the 1s2s 2 2 S 1/2 state of highly charged Li-like ions, J.Phys.B. 39 3121 (2006)
5. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche and B. Fricke, Theoretical study on the 5p 5 6s -- 5p 6 spectra of neutral xenon, Euro. Phys. J. D . 40, 317 ( 2006)
4. DONG Chen-zhong, XIE Lu-you, WAN Jian-jie, JIANG Jun, and YAN Jun , Theoretical Study on Energy Structures and Radiative Transition Characteristics of Highly Charged Ni-like Ions, J. Plasma Fusion Res. 7, 220 (2006)
3. 张登红 , 董晨钟 , 颉录有 , 丁晓斌 , 符彦飚, 类氦离子的 KLL 双电子复合过程的相对论理论研究 , 物理学报 55, 0112 (2006)
2. 李 杰 , 董晨钟 , 颉录有,内壳层电子激发(电离)诱发的电子波函数的弛豫及其对辐射跃迁几率的影响 , 物理学报 55, 0655 ( 2006 )
1. 董晨钟 , 符彦飙,高离化态 Cu 18+ 离子的双电子复合及共振转移激发 过程 的理论研究, 物理学报 55 , 0107 (2006).