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时间:2012/4/23 20:32:22

Unit One

Section A     Learning a Foreign Language

I. Selected words

1. reward 指某人因干了好事或有的事而得到reward 不接双宾语reward sb. for sth.奖赏某人reward sb, with sth.(for sth.) (…)某人。awardgive sth. to sb. award sb. a medal (可以接双宾语)

The father rewarded the little boy for cleaning the room.小男孩因打了房而受到父励。

The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work).学校(因她工作好而)励了梅

He was awarded a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the development of the company.公司奖给他一个金杯,以感公司展所做出的造性成就。

2. Opportunity n. a good moment or chance for doing sth. 机会,机;它有适逢其会、正好便利行事的意味。Chance强调其偶然性。
He loved music, but because his family was poor, he had no opportunity to take lessons. 他喜,但因家里太,他没有机会去学。

The chances are a hundred to one against you.你只有百分之一成功的可能。

3. access (going into)       get/gain/have (no) access to sth.

  excess (going out )

The people in the school have access to that computer lab for free.


Profit is the excess of sales over costs.就是价格超出成本的部分。

4. commit 1). commit suicide; commit a murder; commit a mistake; commit a crime; commit an error, etc. 2) 委托,交 commit. tee

   commitment n

1). devotion to 信奉,献身
The online course would not have succeeded without the commitment of all the teachers. 没有所有教全身心的投入,网络课程不会成功。
2). a promise to follow certain beliefs or action
Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anything.

5. benefit

benefit vt. 有益于

benefit from/by 中受益

Exercise benefits our health. 有益于我的健康。

The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。

The little boy benefited by his hard work.

6. worth

adj.  [用作表, 后接名宾语] , 相等于...的价

What is it worth?(How much is it worth?)这值多少?

It is worth500. 五百

It's not worth the paper it's printed on.(文章等)的价抵不上用来印它的纸张

The rarer it is, the more it is worth.物以稀为贵

It's worth seeing [hearing, reading]得一看[一听, ]

be worth notice [the trouble]得注意[点事]

It is worth while visiting [to visit] the place.地方得参

It is worth while to discuss [discussing] the problem.问题值讨论一下。

He is worth a million.他是百万富翁。

n.  ;一定金的数量

of great [little] worth很大[]

Give me two yuan's worth of eight-fen stamps. 我二元八分票。

Worthful  adj. 有极大功; 有价

Worthless adj.

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.[]井干方知水可

II. Key Sentences Structures

1. With "not only" or "only" placed at the beginning of a sentence, the sentence order should be inverted (倒装) as you find it in the reading passage.

Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. (Para.3)

Only in this way can you hope to finish the work at the end of this month.
Not only did we enjoy the film, but we also had a wonderful time.

2. 在分的否定式;即动词-ing的否定形式作伴随状

Not seeing John, I asked where he was.

I eagerly answered all the questions, never worrying much about making mistakes.

III. Discuss the following questions.

1. What is the writer’s general experience with foreign language learning?

2. What is the writer’s 1st experience with foreign language learning in junior middle school?

3. What is the writer’s experience with foreign language learning in senior middle school?

4. What is the writer’s experience with foreign language learning at college?

5. What is the writer’s online experience with English learning?

IV. General idea.

In Passage A, the author presents the reader his own language learning experiences for different stages, from junior middle school to online learning, and for each different stage of learning he describes an effect that results from some causes. As a result, he found the computer course was just as difficult as classroom study but he did succeed in learning English. Besides, he gained many other things from it. It taught me the value of hard work and helped understand another culture.

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